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Your Support Helps Pollinate the Movement

Thank you for joining the hive of wild bees who are inspired by wild churches and want to support the growth of the movement. 

Your generosity is wildly appreciated.  We will be sure and include you in our newsletters and updates! 

Thank you thank you a thousand buzzy thank you's.

Note: If you'd like to make a large donation and need a tax-deductible receipt, please get in touch with us for information about how to donate.

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*Amount ($USD)
 Payment frequency
Goal: $10,000.00
Collected: $3,435.00

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We gratefully and gladly welcome donations! If you DON'T need a tax-deductible receipt, you can share a financial gift with us by clicking the button below. If you need a tax-deductible receipt, please get in touch with us here. Thank you for pollinating the movement!

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