Rev. David Stout, Rector. St. Jamesʻ Parish on Hawaiʻi Island (affectionally known as the "Big Island"), an Episcopal church, spans from the warm, sandy beaches of the South Kohala Coast to the upcountry, Paniolo ranching town of Waimea, across the Hamakua Coast to lush, tropical Paʻauilo. Join us for our “Service on the Sand” on the beach at Kawaihae Harbor in front of the Kawaihae Canoe Club (next to the boat ramp). Bring a beach chair or towel and umbrella for rain or sun. The Beach Mass (Eucharist) is offered each weekend on Saturdays at 5 PM and Sunday mornings at 8 AM. Due to Covid-19, social distancing and masks are required. Keiki will need to remain with their parents.
NOTE: In the event of inclement weather and there is a question of whether or not the services will be cancelled, a message will be placed on the parish answering machine (808-885-4923) and on the front page of our parish website by 4 PM on Saturday or 7 AM on Sunday.
Contact David
St James Hawai'i Facebook page
Visit St. James Hawai'i website
WHAT LED YOU TO START A WILD CHURCH? It is a beautiful blessing to worship is Godʻs outdoor Cathedral!
WHERE DO YOU USUALLY GATHER? We meet under the Kiawe and Palm trees on the beach at the Kawaihae Canoe Club.
WHAT IS YOUR CLIMATE LIKE? Kawaihae is usually around 80 degrees. The rainfall in this area of the island is about 5" a year, so one can usually count on it being dry. However, there are times we will cancel because of inclement weather, especially if there is a tropical storm. Always check the parish website to confirm. If the service is cancelled, one of our clergy will be present with the reserve sacrament and a good word for anyone who shows up that did not hear the worship service is cancelled.
WHO ARE THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLE displaced by settlers in your bio-region? Our service seeks to honor our Hawaiian host culture by including the sounding of the Pū (the blowing of the conch shell), Hawaiian chant, songs (nā mele) and liturgical responses in Hawaiian.
HOW DO YOU INCLUDE THE LAND, CREATURES, ELEMENTS OF YOUR PLACE IN YOUR PRACTICES OR SERVICE? We sound the Pū (the blowing of the conch shell) to call us together. The Eucharistic Prayer is written specifically to honor our environment. We seek to honor the ʻaina (the land) by leaving it better than we found it.
IS YOUR WILD CHURCH INVOLVED IN CLIMATE ADVOCACY WORK AND/OR ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION? How do you embody that? We strive to honor that we are blessed to live here and welcome those who visit. We hold that the mana (Godʻs spirit) is at work in and through all things. We hold to a strong theology of stewardship of our ʻaina (land) and kai (ocean) is a deep part of our local, Hawaiian culture.