wild church circles
for Wild Church Network leaders
Every second Thursday of each month at 1 pm PST/2 pm MT/3 pm CST/4 pm ET, we gather to connect, share, ask questions, ponder on topics relevant to growing, tending, and flourishing our Wild Churches. Join us!
(note: this webinar is for existing and planned Wild Churches. Please join as a member before registering. You'll get an error message otherwise!)

March - Conversation and Connection
Friends, please join us as you can for a time to be together and share news, learnings, and challenges from our communities. For those who follow the liturgical year, we prepare to enter into Lent. For those who follow the Celtic, or seasonal, wheel of the year, we prepare for the spring equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. For all of us, consider this as our check-in question: Over the winter, and the longer winter of the pandemic, what have we lost? What have we learned? Some little plants don’t survive the winter freeze, some small animals don’t wake up, or get snatched by something larger when they poke out for food. Yet spring, and the return of greater light, is coming as it always does. And before it we have markers like Ash Wednesday, and Lent - times to honor grief and loss. Though the pandemic has brought unexpected opportunities to wild churches, many have not been spared the effects of winter, with all of its loss, as well as its gifts. We wonder what your community missed, learned, and/or what you grieve. Facilitated by Carmen Retzlaff.
We look forward to connecting with you!
The Wild Church Network Members Team